Student associations play a major role in campus life in terms of events, social relationships, charity and creativity. There are over 5,000 in universities alone. When you also include associations not related to a specific higher education institution, the choice is huge.
Culture, local or international charities, sustainable development, media, anti-discrimination, student life organisations, and more! Whatever your personality and objectives, you're bound to find something that suits you.
Would you like to be involved in a student association?
Find out more from the student life office in your institution. Plus take a look at the institution's website and guide to associations.
Animafac, the French student associations network can give you a general overview of the associations and help you choose a project.
You can also look at the assignments offered on the France Bénévolat (France Volunteering) website or go to an Associations Centre (Maison des associations) or Student Centre (Maison des étudiants - MDE) near you.
- Did you know? You can validate your association commitment (in french) in your course!
Do you want to lead your own cultural, charity or celebration project?
The universities and CROUS offer full support to help associations set up their own projects: advice, expertise, training, premises and financial support via the university Student Initiative Development Fund (FSDIE) and the CROUS Culture-ActionS scheme (in french).
Contact the appropriate service in your institution. This might be the Student Life Office (Bureau de la vie étudiante - BVE), Student Office (Bureau des étudiants - BDE), Education and University Life Office (Bureau de la formation et de la vie universitaire - BFVU) or a Student Centre (Maison des étudiants - MDE).
- Do you want to create your own association (in french)?
What is the FSDIE?
The FSDIE (Student Initiative Development Fund) is a fund financed by part of the CVEC (Student and Campus Life Contribution).
It exists in all universities and many other higher education institutions. It helps to promote and fund student initiatives in areas such as culture and art, scientific culture, campus events, sports events, humanitarian and charity actions (citizenship, disability, health).
Every year, it contributes to the funding of around 5,000 student projects. Why not yours?