Rent is a significant part of your budget - so don't forget to apply for housing aid, whether this is paid by the CAF (Family Allowance Fund) or managed by the "Action Logement" association.

Rent assistance

To help pay your rent and expenses, you can receive housing aid (Personalised Housing Aid (Aid personalisée au logement - APL), Social Housing Allowance (Allocation de logement sociale - ASL), Family Housing Allowance (Allocation de logement familiale - ALF)), paid by the Family Allowance Fund (Caisse d'allocations familiales - CAF).

To draw up your budget, do a calculation of the housing aid you think you are entitled to. You can also follow the CAF guide, which details in videos and in questions / answers the whole process of applying for student housing aid. You can then track your application using the CAF smartphone app.

Don't delay sending in your application, as the CAF grants cannot be backdated!

N.B.: Housing aid is automatically suspended on 1 July for all students, unless you inform the CAF that you will be staying in your accommodation beyond that date.

  • To find out more, consult the CAF guide

Rental deposit assistance


Are your parents or family unable to act as guarantors for your future student housing? Choose Visale, the free 100% guarantor for all adult students!

The Visale guarantee, a service from Action Logement, offers adult students a free rental deposit for any type of accommodation, with no means-test.

Visale acts as guarantor for your landlord, a simple solution accessible in a few clicks.

Other assistance offered by Action Logement

Action Logement offers other assistance to help you find accommodation, depending on your situation.

Housing solidarity fund (FSL)

This fund provides general assistance to people in financial difficulty, through loans or grants.

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